Fish Sh!t Organic Soil Conditioner 10 Liter, 20 Liter, tote
Use in any medium (soil, coco, hydro)!
Use Fish Sh!t every watering/feeding from seedling through flush
Fish Sh!t is a concentrated solution - each bottle provides you with a Sh!t load of gallons!
120mL Bottle - up to 60 gallons!
250mL Bottle - up to 125 gallons!
500mL Bottle - up to 250 gallons!
1 Liter Bottle - up to 500 gallons!
5 Liter Bottle - up to 2,500 gallons!
10 Liter Bottle - up to 5,000 gallons!
20 Liter Bottle - up to 10,000 gallons!
250mL Bottle - up to 125 gallons!
500mL Bottle - up to 250 gallons!
1 Liter Bottle - up to 500 gallons!
5 Liter Bottle - up to 2,500 gallons!
10 Liter Bottle - up to 5,000 gallons!
20 Liter Bottle - up to 10,000 gallons!